PTC-CSJ Reports Accomplishments for SY 2014-2015
01 April 2015

The Foundation completed SY 2014-2015 with key accomplishments noted for its flagship Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program.

At the start of the SY, the 3G Program expanded to another school, Lakeview Elementary School (LES) in addition to Bayanan Elementary School-Main (BESM); both Schools are in Muntinlupa City.

The 3G Program’s nutrition enhancement component covered a total of 163 Grades 1 and 2 pupils from the two Schools. The table below shows the two beneficiary Schools’ accomplishments versus the standards set by the Department of Education for in-school feeding programs:

Normal status at end of SY 70-100% 100% 92%
Attendance rate 85-100% 82% 88%
Total no. of feeding days for the SY 120 98 133

For 3G’s sports development through baseball, three divisions – coach pitch, minors and majors – now comprise the Bayanan baseball team with 20 players per division/team.

Meanwhile, a whole day Reading Festival was organized in the two Schools. The annual event’s educational and fun activities aimed to encourage reading among 1,000+ Grades 1 and 2 pupils.

Finally, 130 teachers of both Schools went through a two-day training on how to teach more effectively, while 270 parents of Grades 1 and 2 pupils learned proper nutrition and hygiene in a half-day session.