PTC-CSJ Reports 3G Accomplishments for SY 2015-2016
04 May 2016

PTC-CSJ Foundation ended SY 2015-2016 with key accomplishments noted for its flagship education program, Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program, during the SY’s last quarter from Jan.-March 2016.  

The 3G Program, implemented in two public elementary schools in Muntinlupa City – Bayanan Elementary School-Main (BESM) and Lakeview Elementary School (LES) – has four components: nutrition enhancement, learning enrichment in arts and reading, sports development through baseball and training for teachers and parents.

On nutrition enhancement, 495 wasted and severely wasted Kinder to Grade 2 pupils of the two Schools were fed a nutritious lunch every school day and all of them (100%) had normal nutritional status by end of SY 2015-2016.

The table below shows the two Schools’ accomplishments for the last two School Years as compared with the standards set by the Department of Education for school-based feeding programs:

KEY INDICATORS DepED Standards SY 2015-2016 SY 2014-2015
Normal status at end of SY 70-100% 100% 100% 100% 92%
Attendance rate 85-100% 91% 92% 82% 88%
Total feeding days per SY 120 87 130 98 133

On learning enrichment, a 15-day Reading Camp was piloted from April 11-29, 2016 in BESM, LES and Sucat Elementary School-Main (SESM), also in Muntinlupa City.  

The Reading Camp is a summer feeding and remedial reading that benefitted the three Schools’ 274 slow and non-readers from Kinder-Grade 3.  Their pre- and post-test assessment results in reading are being analyzed.

Prior to the conduct of the Reading Camp, 76 teachers of the three Schools participated in a training workshop on March 19 to further enhance their skills to teach reading more effectively.