Muntinlupa Parents Learn Proper Nutrition
27 October 2016

Parents play a critical role in their children’s overall development and well-being. Thus, helping parents on how to better perform their role has always been a core component of PTC-CSJ Foundation’s Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program.

On October 22, 2016, more than 150 parents from 3G’s three partner-schools in Muntinlupa attended a half-day training session on nutrition with topics on: First 1000 Days, good health and proper nutrition, and health services provided in barangay health centers and by barangay nutrition scholars in particular.

Muntinlupa City’s Nutritionist Mrs. Rhonda Rabino served as Resource Person. In her informative talk, she explained that the “first 1000 days of life” refers to and starts from the day of conception until the second birthday of a child. It is globally considered as the “golden window of opportunity” for interventions that aim to achieve the maximum potential of a child’s growth and development.

The parents who attended the sessions were mostly young mothers who appreciated all the useful information they learned, including the free health services they could avail in their respective barangay health centers.

PTC-CSJ organized the parents’ training in partnership with Synergeia Foundation.

In addition to parents’ training, other components of the 3G Program include nutrition enhancement, learning enrichment in arts and reading, sports development thru baseball, and training for teachers.

PTC-CSJ implements the 3G Program in three public elementary schools in Muntinlupa: Bayanan Elementary School-Main (BESM), Lakeview Integrated School (LIS) and Sucat Elementary School (SES).