BESM and LES Teachers Hone Skills in Teaching Reading
01 May 2014
On April 8-9, 2014, 130 teachers from Bayanan Elementary School Main (BESM) and Lakeview Elementary School (LES) participated in an intensive two-day training held at Ateneo Professional Schools in Rockwell Center, Makati City. The training aimed to help teachers lay down a solid foundation for reading among their students. Topics included phonemic awareness, enhancing word recognition and vocabulary skills, language and literacy instruction through storytelling, and story writing, among others. The training team was comprised by highly experienced educators led by Prof. Shirley Equipado; the trainers used a combination of lectures, drills, group works, and demonstrations which the teacher- participants found to be very helpful and effective. At the end of the training, all teachers were required to come up with Action Plans which they will implement for incoming SY 2014-2015. The respective School Principals will monitor each teacher’s progress on his/her Action Plans. BESM and LES are two beneficiary-Schools of PTC-CSJ Foundation’s Growing Good to Great Kids (3G) Program; teachers’ training is one component of the 3G Program. The recently held Teachers’ Training was organized by Synergeia Foundation, PTC-CSJ Foundation’s partner for the 3G Program for the past four years.