PTC-CSJ Foundation and Partners Successfully Conclude Reading Camp 2022
15 September 2022
PTC-CSJ Foundation, in partnership with Synergeia Foundation, DepEd-Muntinlupa Schools Division Office and its 12 public elementary schools, successfully concluded Reading Camp (RC) 2022 that was implemented face-to-face in the schools for seven days from July 25 – August 2, 2022.

RC 2022, a remedial reading program that also included feeding, benefitted 580 Grades 1-6 learners who were either slow or non-readers. 97% of RC 2022 participants were in Grades 1-3.

The table below shows that pre- and post-test results of RC participants across all grade levels improved their reading skills with their average scores increasing from 12 (59%) to 16 (78%); 20 was the total score.

In particular, Grade 1 learners were the most improved with the highest percentage change at 62%; their average scores increased from 10 (48%) to 16 (78%).

Further, the top four most improved schools that showed the highest percentage changes were found to have had lower teacher: learner ratios than the RC-prescribed 1:10. Conversely, the least improved school had a higher ratio of 1:12. This proved that lower teacher: learner ratio contributed significantly to better outcomes among learners.

Reading Camp 2022 is part of PTC-CSJ Foundation’s flagship education program, Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program.