PTC-CSJ and Synergeia Conduct Nanay Tatay Teacher Workshop
19 October 2021
Recognizing the challenging “new” role of parents as teachers at home during the pandemic, the PTC-CSJ Foundation, in partnership with Synergeia Foundation, organized a virtual training workshop with more than 500 parents from ten public elementary schools in Muntinlupa City.

The “Nanay Tatay Teacher Workshop” aimed to develop the capacity of parents to provide a wholesome and supportive learning environment at home, as well as to enable parents to nurture good values among their children.

The highly participative workshop was led by Synergeia President Dr. Milwida Guevara who encouraged the participants to share their valuable lessons and challenges as teachers to their children. The parents cited the importance of patience and time management. They have also developed a better appreciation and respect for teachers.

The workshop is part of PTC-CSJ’s flagship Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program. Since 2011, PTC-CSJ has been implementing the 3G Program in Muntinlupa City in partnership with Synergeia Foundation and the Department of Education-Schools Division Office of Muntinlupa City.