PTC-CSJ Recognized by DepEd-Muntinlupa
06 February 2020
The Department of Education (DepEd)’s Schools Division Office of Muntinlupa City presented a Certificate of Recognition to PTC-CSJ Foundation for “helping to build stronger foundations that support learners and their communities, improving the quality of education services and inspiring educators with passion and relentless dedication”.

PTC-CSJ Foundation’s Executive Director, Ms. Flory A. Tabio, received the Certificate from DepEd-Muntinlupa’s new Superintendent, Dr. Dominico C. Idanan, when she met him on February 3 to present the Foundation’s 2019 Accomplishment Report and 2020 Plans.

The Foundation has been implementing its Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program in Muntinlupa since 2011 to help improve education outcomes.

In her presentation, Ms. Tabio highlighted some of the Foundation’s 2019 accomplishments, notably: 1) 96% of 190 Grade 1 undernourished pupils who were fed a nutritious lunch had improved to normal nutritional status with 97% average daily attendance; 2) 84% of 479 slow and non-readers who participated in a 15-day Reading Camp had improved their literacy skills; and 3) three baseball teams had consistently maintained their good standing in four annual tournaments.

Further, Ms. Tabio also happily shared that in 2020, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Foundation shall support five new Schools, in addition to its current five schools, thus bringing to ten its total school partners in Muntinlupa.

Dr. Idanan said that “DepEd-Muntinlupa is very grateful to PTC-CSJ Foundation for its consistent support and I look forward to continuing our productive partnership for many more years.”