PTC-CSJ Reports 2018 Accomplishments to DepEd-Muntinlupa
12 February 2019
PTC-CSJ Foundation, through its Executive Director, Ms. Flory Tabio, had its annual meeting with DepEd-Muntinlupa Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) Dr. Mauro C. de Gulan last January 24 to present the Foundation’s 2018 Accomplishments and 2019 Plans.

The highlights of the Foundation’s 2018 education accomplishments in Muntinlupa included:
  1. The replication of its flagship Growing Good to Great Kids or 3G Program in a fifth school, i.e., Alabang Elementary School, effective SY 2018-2019;
  2. The successful implementation of Reading Camp Year 3 (a remedial reading and feeding intervention during summer vacation) which showed an average percentage increase in Mean Percentage Score from 51% to 87% among 441 slow and non-readers in four schools;
  3. The implementation of My Ship, My World (MSMW) 2018 which introduced shipping and its benefits to almost 10,000 Grades 4-6 pupils through weekly email exchanges between 40 Captains and 44 teachers; and
  4. Financial Literacy Seminars that benefitted 148 students of Muntinlupa Alternative Learning System (ALS) and 83 public elementary school teachers in Muntinlpa.
Ms. Tabio was joined at the meeting by PTC-CSJ’s partners, specifically: Synergeia Foundation’s Ms. Chingkel Juan, and the Principals of PTC-CSJ’s four adopted schools in Muntinlupa: Bayanan Elementary School Main (BESM)’s Dr. Shella Navarro, Lakeview Integrated School (LIS)’ Dr. Ador Querubin, Sucat ES (SES)-Main’s Mr. Antonio Gagala, and Muntinlupa Elementary School (MES)’ Ms. Marissa Andanza.